5-9 Pigeon Dry Iron Rs. 299, Logitech B175 Wireless Mouse Rs. 525, Men’s T-shirt Rs. 298 & more - Free Deals, Coupons & Samples in India
Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Flipkart in today deal of the day offering  (Automatic discount in cart…offer valid till 11.59 AM 2nd April only)
  1. Watches Below Rs. 499
  2. Lotto Shoes Rs. 899
  3. Bowls 50% off from Rs. 132
  4. Pigeon Dry Irons Rs. 299
  5. Books below Rs. 225
  6. Men’s T-shirt Rs. 298
  7. Logitech B175 Wireless Mouse Rs. 525
  8. Natural Body & Skin Care Rs. 99 Rs.
  9. Sandisk Ultra Dual 16 GB On-The-Go Pendrive Rs. 539

Free Shipping above Rs 500 else Rs. 40 extra.

How to get:-
  1. Visit Deal of the day or deal page from above  | More Deals
  2. Add product to cart (Automatic discount in cart)
  3. Login or register
  4. Update or select shipping details
  5. Pay the amount